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A local EXTREME Hangout is a one to two day climate action event anywhere in the world.


Organised and hosted by passionate change-makers, in collaboration with local organisations, influencers, activists, pioneers, innovating companies, cities, and tourism boards, the goal of Local Extreme Hangouts is to shake up the climate conversation and amplify the voices of locally celebrated climate champions and inspiring local initiatives. The way it operates, and the format is similar to TedX, where Extreme delivers the brand, the platform, the manual, the framework and distributes the livestreams and video content on our media network and local organizers run and coordinate the event on the ground.


By popularizing the climate movement and inspiring people globally, together we aim to spark a wave of positive change and drive environmental action. We believe that everyone has the power to make a difference through their choices and their voice. Through these events, we provide a platform for changemakers to express their ideas, shed light on the debate, and hold leaders accountable. Will you join us in hosting a local Extreme Hangout to be a part of this movement for change?


For more information click here


To apply to host an Extreme Hangout please fill in this form


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